"As an author I merge gestalt therapy and spirituality in my books and toolkits for all ages. Whether it's personal growth for adults or children's stories, my mission is to lead readers on paths of enlightenment and self-discovery."

My mission is to assist in the awakening of this planet by sharing tools, practices, and practical examples on how to be awakened parents, partners, communities, and humans.

Through my children's book series, "Awaken the One," I aim to instill fundamental principles of self-awareness, empowerment, and conscious living in young minds, nurturing a future of health, wellness, and abundance for all.

“Awaken the One” series of children’s books introduces thirteen powerful practices essential for living as awakened, deliberate creators of reality. Spanning all ages and stages of learning, this series comprises board books (for ages 0-2), rhyming books (for ages 2-4), picture books (for ages 4-8), chapter books (for ages 8-12), and non-fiction guides (for independent readers and adults), ensuring accessibility and relevance for everyone.

Discover the full range of my books and unlock the power of transformation. Whether you’re seeking healing and empowerment for yourself or nurturing the potential of young minds, Lisa’s books offer invaluable insights and guidance on the path to self-discovery.

"(re)Parent Yourself to Find Healing in All Your Relationships"

Key Themes

  • Healing: Dive deep into the process of healing past wounds and reclaiming your inner power.
  • Self-love: Learn to cultivate a deep sense of love and acceptance for yourself, fostering inner peace and fulfillment.
  • Empowerment: Discover the tools and practices to empower yourself to rewrite limiting beliefs and create the life you desire.
  • Inner Child Work: Explore the transformative power of reconnecting with and healing your inner child, unlocking profound healing and growth.
  • Personal Transformation: Embrace a journey of personal growth and transformation, guided by my compassionate wisdom and expertise.


Reader Benefits

  • Comprehensive Guidance: Benefit from a comprehensive guide to healing and empowerment, supported by my expertise and compassionate guidance.
  • Practical Tools: Gain access to practical tools and exercises that empower you to take charge of your healing journey and create lasting transformation.
  • Inspiration and Insight: Find inspiration and insight in my personal anecdotes and profound insights, illuminating the path to self-discovery and growth.

Unlock Your Potential

Ready to (re)parent yourself and unlock the healing and empowerment you deserve? Dive into “(re)Parent Yourself” and embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation today.

Immerse your child in the enchanting world of my "AWAKEN THE ONE" children's book series.

Meet Courage, the spirited bunny, and Callahan, the wise Yak, as they embark on magical adventures of self-discovery and empowerment. Each series of three books (board books, rhyming books, and picture books) nurtures mindfulness, confidence, and inner harmony, planting the seeds of a brighter, more promising future in young hearts and minds.

Each book in this series offers valuable lessons and practices designed to nurture children’s holistic development, empowering them to lead fulfilling lives and contribute positively to the world around them.

In the “Mindfulness Within” series readers embark on a journey of self-awareness and inner peace. Through focused breathing, grounding exercises, and the practice of gratitude, children learn to remain calm amidst life’s challenges. By staying present and acknowledging their feelings without judgment, they tap into their intuition and achieve clarity and focus.

The “Our Invisible Body” series introduces children to the concept of energy and its impact on their well-being. Through practices such as awareness of their own energetic state, protecting their energy, and clearing negative energy, they learn to maintain a healthy energetic field. This understanding helps them feel more energized, focused, and in alignment with their purpose.

In the “I Love Me!” series, children discover the importance of self-love and acceptance. By listening to their bodies, speaking kindly to themselves, and forgiving their mistakes, they build a strong foundation of self-compassion. Through honesty, self-care, and respecting themselves in all ways, they learn to prioritize their well-being and maintain a positive self-image.

The “I Am a Creator” series empowers children to realize their creative potential. By setting intentions, speaking their desires into existence, and holding positive thoughts, they learn to manifest their dreams. This practice enables them to take control of their reality and move confidently towards their goals.

“The Happiness Highway” series guides children in understanding the power of their thoughts. By choosing high vibrational thoughts rooted in the present moment, they reshape their neural pathways for positivity. Through awareness and control of their mind, they become deliberate creators of their reality, fostering happiness and fulfillment.

In the “My Vessel, My Home” series children learn the importance of nourishing their physical bodies. Through healthy eating, regular exercise, and mindful consumption of media, they prioritize their physical well-being. This practice helps them maintain optimal health and avoid negative influences that may impact their mental and emotional state.

“We Are Better Together” series emphasizes the significance of community support and connection. By actively engaging and contributing positively to their communities, children cultivate a sense of belonging and purpose. This involvement not only enhances their own well-being but also contributes to the collective happiness and harmony.

“The Sixth Sense” series teaches children to trust their intuition and inner guidance. By listening to their inner voice and paying attention to signs from their guides, they stay aligned with their purpose and values. This practice empowers them to make decisions that honor their authentic selves and navigate life with confidence.

The “Hear Me Roar” series encourages children to express themselves authentically. By using their voice to communicate their needs, desires, and boundaries, they establish healthy relationships and boundaries. Through expressing gratitude and appreciation, they learn the power of their words in creating positive connections with others.

The “Free to Feel” series teaches children to embrace and process their emotions with compassion. By allowing themselves to feel without judgment, they develop emotional intelligence and resilience. Through understanding their triggers and releasing emotions in healthy ways, they cultivate inner peace and authenticity.

The “Love Your Planet” series instills in children a deep reverence for nature and the environment. By spending time in nature and caring for the planet, they develop a sense of responsibility and stewardship. Through honoring the interconnectedness of all living beings, they contribute to a sustainable and harmonious world.

The “Spread Love Not Fear” series guides children in cultivating love, compassion, and empathy. By connecting with their hearts and spreading love to others, they raise their vibration and contribute to a more loving world. Through practicing kindness and understanding, they foster unity and harmony among all beings.

The “Step Outside the Comfort Zone” series encourages children to embrace growth and new experiences. By stepping outside their comfort zones, they expand their horizons and discover their true potential. Through adopting new perspectives and ideas, they evolve into confident, resilient individuals who embrace change and thrive in life.


I’m thrilled to announce that Morgan James Publishing has embraced the insightful exploration of self-healing in “(re)Parent Yourself to Find Healing in All Your Relationships.” This marks a significant milestone in my journey, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to share this transformative work with a wider audience.

But the excitement doesn’t stop there! Alongside “(re)Parent Yourself,” the heartwarming journey of “Courage Finds His Breath,” my delightful Baby Board Book, “Courage Finds His Calm,” my Rhyming Book, and “Courage Finds His Carrots,” my captivating Picture Book, are also set to join the Morgan James family. Together, we’re embarking on a journey to bring the entire Awaken the One series to life!

This partnership represents a wonderful opportunity to inspire and empower readers of all ages. I’m deeply grateful for the chance to share my stories with the world, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us next.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible adventure with me. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to bring these transformative tales to bookshelves near you!